I'm pursuing my Ph.D. degree in the University of HongKong, Faculty of Dentistry (Ranking 3rd in the world), specializing in Medical AI and MLLM, supervised by Prof. Kuo Feng Hung and Prof. Tsoi, James Kit Hon.
Previously, I worked as a Computer Vision Engineer on Baidu VIS from 2022.07 to 2024.08. I received my M.S. degree in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST, 2022), and B.S. degree in Chinese University of Mining and Technology (CUMT, 2020).
My research interests span the area of computer vision, self-supervised pre-training, multimodal large language model (mllm), and AI4Science.
[Nov.2024] One paper SemiT-SAM has been accepted to MICCAI 2024 Workshop !
[Oct.2024] One paper GEM has been accepted to TMM !
[Oct.2024] I got 6th place in ToothFairy2 : Semi-supervised Teeth Segmentation hold on MICCAI2024 !
[Sep.2024] One paper FullAnno has been released in Arxiv !
[July.2024] I got the firm offer from HKU, and had been a formal Ph.D. student !
[July.2024] One paper METR has been accepted to Neural Networks !
[Aug.2023] I have received my IELTS scores 7(6)!
See full list at Google Scholar. (* indicates equal contribution, # indicates corresponding author)
We designed a FullAnno system, which is a data engine that can generate large-scale, high-quality, and fine-grained image caption datasets automatically.
This study proposed a novel semi-supervised transformer-based framework designed for automated tooth segmentation and identification on panoramic radiographs.
T-Mamba is the first work to introduce frequency-based features into vision mamba, its flexibility allows it to process both 2D and 3D tooth data without the need for separate modules.